ADCARE Application form

    Center Information

    Center Address

    Center Contact Data

    Department Information

    Department Head

    Department Deputy


    Dear Professor Zuberbier,

    I wish to join the GA²LEN/ Atopic Dermatitis Centres of Reference and Excellence (ADCARE) network and hereby apply for our center to become an ADCARE.

    "32 GA²LEN ADCARE requirements and deliverables" and confirm that our center fulfils the requirements and deliverables.

    Please note: Some of the information listed above (including the center’s name and address, contact information for patients, website and logo) may be published on the GA²LEN website. You can find examples of our centers' profiles on the "Find an ADCARE" tab of the GA²LEN website: HERE

    Verify Information

    Please review and verify your information before submitting your application. If you need to change your submitted information, click "Previous" at the bottom of this page to go back.

    Center Information

    Center Name:

    Center Address:

    Center Contact Data:


    Please explain why you want to become an Anaphylaxis Center of Reference and Excellence:

    Consent: I have read the "32 GA²LEN ADCARE requirements and deliverables" and confirm that our center fulfils the requirements and deliverables.


    Please enter the result

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