Project Sentinel Network

Support the GA²LEN EU Sentinel Network Proposal

Allergic diseases (e.g. allergic rhinitis, asthma, rhino conjunctivitis, urticaria and eczema) are among the most common diseases in the world and are the most common chronic disease in Europe. The prevalence of allergies is growing; half of Europeans will suffer from an allergy by 2015 in the latest survey, from 2009 (as yet unpublished from University of Ghent) 45.5 % of Belgians in the age group 20-40 years suffered from airway allergies.
As prevalence grows so do the high costs associated with untreated or improperly treated allergic disease. Model calculations based on Eurostat figures show that an employee with untreated allergies who suffers just a 10% reduction in efficiency due to their disease, and 60 days of symptoms, loses at least 34 hours of working time per year at a cost per employee of over €1000.

Support the GA²LEN EU Sentinel Network Call to Action!