Welcoming our newest UCARE center and country to the network: National Taiwan University Hospital – Special Clinic for urticaria and cutaneous immune-related diseases

We are proud and happy to welcome the National Taiwan University Hospital –  Special Clinic for urticaria and cutaneous immune-related diseases (Department of Dermatology) in Taipei, Taiwan to the UCARE network.

Head: Dr. Chia-Yu Chu
Deputy: Dr. Yung-Tsu Cho
Auditor: Prof. Dr. Emek Kocatürk

Ms. Sandy Chen (CRN), Ms. Chiang Yu Tung (CRN), Dr. Yung-Tsu Cho, (Prof. Emek Kocatürk Göncü), Prof. Chia-Yu Chu, Ms. Sheng-Jye Hwang (CRN).
Left: Dr. Yung-Tsu Cho
Middle: Prof. Dr. Emek Kocatürk
Right: Dr. Chia-Yu Chu